Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Burning Scarecrows and the Surrounding View

As one year ended and another began, I too started into the routine of something altogether new.

      As promised, here are a few pictures of the "crow burning" which apparently symbolizes getting rid of the bad parts of yourself for the new year. It reminded me of burning people at the stake, what do you think?

Here are a few pictures of the kids, although most of them are of Edwin... for Isaiah.

     Here are a few picture of the orphanage, where I am staying. They are all taken from the kitchen/area surrounding the kitchen. (On the second floor, aka the volunteer area)

 The kitchen... This is where the volunteers make their food. Notice no roof, that is because it rarely rains in Trujillo.
 View from the kitchen.

 The green building is one of the two buildings in which the children live. The four houses are divided in between both of these buildings, one on each floor.
 Here you see the orchard.
 These are the hills that so remind me of Aladdin. The sky is so beautiful here, always so blue.
 Finally, here is the children's playground.


  1. Fascinating. It reminds me as well of burning someone alive...maybe burning your evil self? Love the pics! Keep them coming!

  2. I think you should pick out a couple cute kids for me too while you're there.

    1. Mrs. Killy, It is beautiful. Also, as you probably have heard, I already have the kids picked out for you. :-) Love you!

  3. Wow, it is pretty there! I love the hills and the sky. I think we should "burn the crow" next year :)

  4. Love seeing the pics and reading what you have time to share, Elizabeth! I read your first comment about Aladdin before I saw the pictures and it was exactly what I was envisioning from your description! I noticed you said it "rarely" rains. What happens when it does? Are they so happy to feel something wet after being around all the sand that they don't care about not having a roof? The kids look cute and I'm sure they were excited to see your joyful face come to join them! Our loss is definitely their gain! Love and miss you, Stephanie

  5. Hopefully, it will be an educational, fun and rewarding adventure.

  6. The pics are so cool. The Pacific Ocean creates such a unique look and the thought of a dry and mild summer next to sand and all is super neat.

    1. Hey Josh, Yeah, it is pretty cool looking here. I will post more pictures for you. :-) PLUS the kids are awesome.
